"R. D. Davis" wrote:
> Quothe David Woyciesjes, from writings of Sun, Nov 02, 2003 at
> 10:07:17AM -0500:
> > "Woz" signed IIgs (?) and a Dynabyte computer. According to the guy
> > there, it was the first portable? Considering it's about the size of a
> > couple mid-tower PCs, it's not really that portable... Either way, both
> > are for sale. Give them a call, 203-488-0535.
> If it's built like my Dynabyte 5100, then I wouldn't want to have to
> carry it around. :-) Note: the 5100 is not what one would call a
> portable computer... it has three separate stackable chasis, each
> weighing somewhere around 50lbs. These cases are made of fairly heavy
> weight steel and each has its own analog power supply. There's one
> case for the CPU, S-100 bus and I/O ports (eight or nine of them,
> IIRC), then a separate chasis for the very, very, loud Micropolis 10"
> hard drive and another chasis containing two Shugart DSDD floppy
> drives. Note that this system runs the MP/M-II operating system.
> --
Yep, that would be the right description... When the guy said
'portable', then I looked at it, he probably meant it as in 'movable'...
--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
Received on Mon Nov 03 2003 - 08:55:42 GMT