Lots of stuff available.

From: Mark Tapley <mtapley_at_swri.edu>
Date: Mon Nov 3 11:44:09 2003

        I'll have to make another trip to Electronics Plus in
Kerrville, Texas. (See my accompanying email.) About 2 years ago I
took a big pile of pictures while I was there, somewhat agog. At one
point a kind list-member had them posted on his website, but I can't
find my bookmark now.
        Below is the list of jpegs, which I still have. If you are
interested in any of the below, and can get in contact with me before
tomorrow afternoon, I'll be happy to email .JPG's or descriptions.
I'm behind on reading list traffic,so rather than reply to the list,
please contact me at

210-522-6025 (work)
210-543-9939 (home)
888-733-0967 (page)

        I intend to leave about 1300 CST (UTC-6), 04-Nov-2003). I'll
ask about or try to buy (for pack/n/ship later) whatever people
instruct me to, up to the capacity of my station wagon (first come
first serve, should it come to that). No guarantees that any of the
below are still there, but I suspect most of it is.
        No affiliation, other than as an extremely satisfied
customer. Apologies to any who consider this too commercial - I have
no interest in the sales, but Electronics Plus is a commercial
        Also feel free to contact the proprietor directly if that's

Cindy Croxton
830-792-3404 fax


3MtransparencyMaker.JPG MacPB180c_Duo280s.JPG
ATT3b1UnixPC.JPG MacPBwallwarts.JPG
ATTvideoterminalBack.JPG MacPlusSEMon.JPG
ATTvideoterminalFront.JPG ManyBooksA.JPG
AmetekDisplayBack.JPG ManyBooksB.JPG
AmetekDisplayFront.JPG ManyBooksC.JPG
AppleIIGSFloppyCD.JPG ManyBooksD.JPG
BernoulliBoxes.JPG ManyBooksE.JPG
CDC_RackMountDriveBox.JPG ManyBooksF.JPG
CelerityCabinet.JPG ManyBooksG.JPG
CommodoreSX64.JPG ManyModems.JPG
CommodoreSX64KBopen.JPG ManyPowerSupplies.JPG
CompaqLuggableExpChas.JPG MemorexDisplay.JPG
DECLA7xprinter.JPG MuchSoftwareA.JPG
DECMV3100etc.JPG MuchSoftwareB.JPG
DECScholarModem.JPG MuchSoftwareC.JPG
DEC_MV3600nocards.JPG MuchSoftwareD.JPG
DECcabRA82.JPG OkidataPrinter.JPG
DECcabTU81Plus.JPG PanasonicSrPartner.JPG
DECprintersSCSIbox.JPG PerkinElmerThermPrinter.JPG
DELNI.JPG PhilipsVideoViewer.JPG
DecDFO3modem.JPG PitneyBowesKbd.JPG
DualCDScsiBoxes.JPG RamPageManualDisk.JPG
EightInchFloppyDrives.JPG Remington_4banger.JPG
FiberOpticHubs.JPG SCOXenix_OS2Warp.JPG
FlukeInterfacePod.JPG SWTPC_x12manual.JPG
FlukePodBox.JPG SharpCalculator.JPG
GridCase1537sBatteries.JPG SunLaser_otherprinters.JPG
HPApollo700.JPG SunServerCabinet.JPG
HP_CM231_CDroms.JPG TI994a.JPG
HardDisksA.JPG TRS80CoCoDiskDrive.JPG
HardDisksB.JPG TRS80_software_manuals.JPG
HardDisksC.JPG TRWcommModems.JPG
HayesModemsDECScholar.JPG Telex287D2printer.JPG
IBM6360_8inchFlopDrv.JPG UnisysMuxSentryReader.JPG
IBMDisplaywriterKB.JPG UnisysWhatever.JPG
IBMconsole8inFloppies.JPG WangBigIron.JPG
IntelAboveBoard2.JPG WesternGraphicPlotters.JPG
KennedyTapeDrive.JPG XT_IBM_PC.JPG
LDplayerLightPen.JPG oldDGmodems.JPG

					- Mark
			210-522-6025, page 888-733-0967
Received on Mon Nov 03 2003 - 11:44:09 GMT

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