Lots of stuff available.

From: Mark Tapley <mtapley_at_swri.edu>
Date: Mon Nov 3 14:54:40 2003

>Mark Tapley writes:
> > Steve,
> > ftp seems to be working just fine....
> >
> > OK, I think they are all there. Do you see them OK?
>Yup, about 30MB of them. Browsers pointed to this URL:
> ftp://ftp.crash.com/pub/tapley
>will get the list of images and can go from there. Feel free
>to point people at it. Confirmed to work by someone off-site.

And also, Stan Seiler pointed out to the CCtech crowd,

At 12:26 -0800 11/3/03, Stan Sieler wrote:
>has the photos, I think.
>Stan Sieler

Thanks to both!
					- Mark
			210-522-6025, page 888-733-0967
Received on Mon Nov 03 2003 - 14:54:40 GMT

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