> It depends on how you define the words "first", "true" and "portable".
> This may seem like ridiculous quibbling but the problem is that you must
> judge based on a specified set of conditions, otherwise the title is
> meaningless.
In this case it was supposed to be the first machine your secretary could
carry round with her to do minutes of meetings using 'standard' (that word
again) applications like wordstar wasn't it? :) I'm sure that's what
featured in osborne ads.
> As a general statement, no, the Osborne was not. I'd point to the MCM/70
> (as I always have, since even before the latest press exposure ;)
I only found out about those last week on here, soooooo.....time to update
my website!
> Well then by that definition anything that can be carried is a portable.
> I have a Pied Piper and it is not what I would consider "intended to be
> portable" though, yes, it can be ported, as can a PDP 11/45 (with a bit
> more effort of course).
It's all marketing innit. I can only report on the mag articles and adverts
I've got and the results of google searches. Real research needs more
meatspace input and that's where you guys come in :)
It's like Dilbert says - 'hey, if I could lie I'd be in marketing!'
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - the online computer museum
www.snakebiteandblack.co.uk - ex-monthly gothic shenanigans :o(
Received on Tue Nov 04 2003 - 03:32:32 GMT