I see
http://simh.trailing-edge.com but i can't work
with similator of 2100.
i have hp 2100S computer and hp 7900A disc drive.
i haven't backup heads of 7900a and i want provide
i have some program in exe format on 7900A disc,i want
run them on pc
but i don't know any way for run them on pc.
i study about CPU,DMA,I/O system of hp 2100 and 7900A
disc drive too.
i doing work now to make my designed I/O circuit ,it
input in pc's ISA and
work like 7900A for 2100S 's I/O associate disc, but
some work remain to
complet this subject.
i want write assemblly program (and input in memory of
2100) for read
sector by sector data of 7900A with selected code 0
and write them on
my I/O with selected code 1 and write another C
program on pc for work
with I/O and file this data.
i think that if i can do it i shall write similator
program and when decode
I/O instruction with DMA,disc drive I/O selected code
load addressed
data in file to array (virtual RAM)in similator
but i know that i need help very much.
i don't know many things about your similator , i hope
possible that i can
work with your similator and run my 2100 program on
please send me any information that you
think it is good.
please help me.
my name is mehdi .
my email : oceanid987_at_yahoo.com
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Received on Tue Nov 04 2003 - 11:06:18 GMT