At 01:54 PM 11/5/03 -0800, you wrote:
>On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Jay West wrote:
>> I have a couple questions about ebay/paypal, and figured some folks on the
>> list here might know the "straight scoop".
>instead, we will give you a lot of uninformed opinions
>> 1) If some seller sets up an auction as private (yet it still shows up on
>> the listings) - the deal is that no one can see who bid on it, or who is
>> currently the high bidder. In this set up, how can I be sure the seller
>> isn't bidding on his own auction to drive up the price? He's taunting me I
>> bet demmit! heh
>I'm pretty sure that the eBay system would not accept a bid by the seller.
>Therefore, he is using a SHILL - having a friend of his make the bid.
>> 2) Hypothetically, say I sell an item on Ebay for... oh... $2500.00. The
>> could pay me via paypal, or he could send me a cashiers check. Does Paypal
>> report transactions to the IRS?
>Only large ones, or "suspicious" ones. The rule of thumb in the banking
>community USED TO be that any transaction over $10,000 had to be reported
>to the guvmint,
I think that was lowered to $1,000 about ten years ago. Drug War and all
that BS. FWIW I was traveling on a toll road a couple of years ago and had
to use a $100 bill to pay a toll. The toll takers had to make a copy of my
driver's licene and other info to report it to the IRS!!!
Received on Wed Nov 05 2003 - 18:35:38 GMT
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