> > > As I recall, they used many scenes of "ENCOM" in the Lawrence Livermore
> > > Laboratory.
> > > The Apple he used in the movie was an Apple ///
> > Many films are shot using various parts of Livermore, especially the
> > gigantic three story tall van de Graf generator room. I think an episode
> > of
> > the X-Files was shot there. Also, many huge computer room shots are taken
> > from there, though the NCSA is also used.
> > I wonder where the Syd Mead designed computer desk Dillinger designed is
> > being kept...
> That desk was killer !!!! I think all us geeks gawked into drooling awe at
> wanting a desk/computer just like that (and still do ;-)
I guess nowhere. The desk (realy an old geeks dream), was just
glas and back projection, no real funktion :(
I most definitly suggest to get the DVD. Unlike most other DVDs,
all the supplementery stuff is woth the money. They point out
everything in the comentary tracks. It may destroy some deams
about how they did it, but then it's full of geek stories. They
did realy put in a lot of computer thinking - or at least they
are claiming now in a beliveable way.
VCF Europa 5.0 am 01./02. Mai 2004 in Muenchen
Received on Fri Nov 07 2003 - 12:50:56 GMT