Puzzles (Was: The Geek Test...)

From: Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_mch20.sbs.de>
Date: Mon Nov 10 12:42:31 2003

> > Well, I still try to get the idea what's so special about
> > a 500+ part jigsaw. It nedsa at least two more entries as
> > in 'done a 1500+' and 'done a 1500+ puzzle ot the moon or
> > a similar low detail object'.

> I did a 1000 piece puzzle of the constellations, but I think the most
> difficult puzzle I've seen was a 1000+ piece puzzle of a bucket of worms,
> each piece being the same size and shape (it's either that, or the 1000+
> puzzle where the resulting image was of randomly colored puzzle pieces, but
> each piece of the *actual* puzzle was the same size and shape).

Well, my personal highlighs have been two:
a 1500 pice of a pile of gold coins ... all Yellow and round:)
and a 2500 of 'halfeathn' over the moon ... where the background
is a 100% black...

VCF Europa 5.0 am 01./02. Mai 2004 in Muenchen
Received on Mon Nov 10 2003 - 12:42:31 GMT

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