American Automation EZ Pro Development System

From: <(>
Date: Mon Nov 10 19:31:39 2003

Hello Arlen,

I am a consulting engineer working with a client up in Sacramento, CA that
has a Model AA-545 development system (S/N 5129 CEI) used to program a Motorola
MC68HC05C8 microprocessor back in the late 1980's. We are also interested in
learning more about this system and if there is someone out there who could use
it... We do have some 5 1/4 in floppy's (MS -DOS 2.0) for the system. Did you
ever find any further information during your search in July? Perhaps we can
in some way help eachother?


Chuck Clemens

Medical Device Development Consulting
Office: 760-942-2272
Cell: 760-613-2272
Fax: 760-436-9476
Received on Mon Nov 10 2003 - 19:31:39 GMT

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