>> Do you have Volume 2 of the maintenance manual, or generally
>> speaking a copy of the schematics? If so, and you know the
>> nomenclature for the basic gates (AND, OR, NAND, etc.) and
>> flip-flops, you can have a lot of fun tracing the various sign
>> ls through the processor and gradually learn how it processes
>> the various commands in hardware. (Appendix A
>THis reall is great fun (or at least _I_ find it great fun), and
>it's one reason that I loke the TTL-built (and discrete-transistor)
>minicomputers like PDP11s, PDP8s, PERQs, etc. There is no magic in
>the processor. Just lots of gates that I can understand, so
>presumably I can understand how they work together.
I find this interesting, too.
I have very little experience reading complex schematics however so I need
lots (read: lotslotslots...) of time to figure out what the different singnals
are doing (headache as already mentioned is no exaggeration). I will keep
trying and come back to you as soon as I got a little further. Time is the
limiting factor at the moment - but I guess you all know that problem...
I have lots of exams to write in very little time.
I have got copies of the Maintenanca Manul Vol I and II, what seems fairly
complete to me. And I got a lot of hints per mail - thanks a lot to everyone
who responded on- or off-list! I will attempt to understand your suggestions
and try them in the next weekends :-)
PS: Sorry for the broken post... my mail client currently dos not quite
work as I want it to so I have to use webmail :-/
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Received on Tue Nov 11 2003 - 13:42:45 GMT