> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org
> [mailto:cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org]On Behalf Of Vintage Computer
> Festival
> Sent: 12 November 2003 16:08
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> Subject: RE: Apple Lisa 1
> > http://www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk/Museum/Apple/lisa/lisa2.php
> Yes, I saw that, but unfortunately it does not breakdown the number into
> how many of each model sold. We're still after the actual number of the
> first production Lisa computers with the Twiggy drives sold so we can try
> to guess at how many may still be left.
It does, but maybe I could phrase it better:
" 3rd and final problem was that there was little software available other
than Lisa Office System 7/7 which contained the aforementioned applications.
She also took ages to boot. Things were helped with the ProFile external
hard drive from the Apple 3, which could store a whopping 5 MEGABYTES of
data....hell of a lot in those days....but not by much. *Only 10,000 were
" They also slashed the cost to $3495 according to the bumf I've got here,
or $4495 if you wanted the 2/5. It must've worked because Apple sold upwards
of 80,000 machines. "
I think the 70,000 I was talking about was Sinclair ZX80s!
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - the online computer museum
www.snakebiteandblack.co.uk - ex-monthly gothic shenanigans :o(
Received on Wed Nov 12 2003 - 10:45:17 GMT