more talking to the press.

From: Witchy <>
Date: Thu Nov 13 03:14:34 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Tony Duell
> Sent: 13 November 2003 00:13
> To:
> Subject: Re: more talking to the press.
> > done like that to make it attractive to schools etc; originally it was a
> > simple SBC. I think the memory expansion may fit in the other
> side of the
> > 'book', but I'm sure things like the printer etc don't, and
> definitely not
> The printer does. It's a little 24 column or so thing, on a eurocard-ish
> size PCB. It takes up half of the empty space. The I/O expansion board,
> at least the one I have, takes up the entire space, but you can stack 2
> of the half-size boards (say printer and EPROM programmer) on top of it.

Yup, I meant what you said in yer other message, ie you can't close the case
when its installed.

> FWIW, I'd like to find an MPF1-P (so I can use the Forth EPROM I have for
> it) or the Forth EPROM for the MPF-88 -- an 8088-based machine, with a
> QWERTY keyboard and a 2-line 16 char (or so) LCD display). It's got a
> machine code monitor in ROM, and the BIOS is sort-of IBM PC compatible (!)

I'll have a dig round my MPF stuff and see if I've a spare -P.....don't
think so but at least I know where the stuff is :)


adrian/witchy - the online computer museum - ex-monthly gothic shenanigans :o(
Received on Thu Nov 13 2003 - 03:14:34 GMT

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