8086 (was Re: more talking to the press.)

From: ben franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
Date: Sat Nov 15 15:38:53 2003

Fred Cisin wrote:

> NO
> You could have interrupts enabled. But you could not have TWO prefixes
> (REP AND a segment override (to not use the DS/ES defaults))
> with interrupts enabled; on return from the interrupt, one of the
> prefixes would be lost.

Well that is still a bug! I want interupts and SEGMENT and REPEAT.
I am trying to FORGET the intel cpu, not because it was a bad 16 bit
CPU but because it has too many GOT-YA's.

> Wasn't presence/absence of that bug one of the tests for presence of the
> NEC V30 v intel 8086?
> --
> Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Sat Nov 15 2003 - 15:38:53 GMT

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