DEC M750 flipchip?

From: Huw Davies <>
Date: Mon Nov 17 04:53:54 2003

On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 08:17, O. Sharp wrote:
> > Does the lack of replies really mean no-one knows what an M750 "Line I/O
> > Control" is for?
> Sticking my neck out a bit, I thinks that may be a "yes". :)

OK, for a lifetime of geek points I can announce that the M750 is a line
I/O control card (what ever that might mean - I guess I lose a few geek
points here).

A bit of research lead to the information that the M series cards were
first used in the PDP-8i and then google with "+pdp-8i +m750" matched

which looks like a useful resource anyway (more geek points).
Huw Davies           | e-mail:
Melbourne            | "If soccer was meant to be played in the 
Australia            | air, the sky would be painted green" 
Received on Mon Nov 17 2003 - 04:53:54 GMT

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