From: "Huw Davies" <>
> On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 08:17, O. Sharp wrote:
> > > Does the lack of replies really mean no-one knows what an M750 "Line
> > > Control" is for?
> >
> > Sticking my neck out a bit, I thinks that may be a "yes". :)
> >
> OK, for a lifetime of geek points I can announce that the M750 is a line
> I/O control card (what ever that might mean - I guess I lose a few geek
> points here).
> A bit of research lead to the information that the M series cards were
> first used in the PDP-8i and then google with "+pdp-8i +m750" matched
> with
> which looks like a useful resource anyway (more geek points).
Very good. Unfortunately, that is exactly as much as we already knew. The
question wasn't "what is it", but rather "what is it for"?
If there were an entry under "Firmenportale" in this table you'd have nailed
the answer :-).
Though more detail about "what is it" would be nice, too, since I don't know
what "Line I/O Control" means either.
Google won't match anything with +pdp-8i +m750 when I try. Ah, I can find
that page with "m750 pdp -inkjet". I had previously found and similar module lists.
BTW, anyone know what goes into a UDC-8? That appears to be a PDP-8 option
that I can't find any detail about, and I'm wondering if it used the M750
Received on Mon Nov 17 2003 - 06:23:54 GMT