On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 14:43, Hans Franke wrote:
> Am 16 Nov 2003 2:36 meinte Fred N. van Kempen:
> (don't forget the NOP). The last trick I re,member was the POP CS,
> which worked on a 8086/88, while generated an invalid opcode int on
> 186 and above.
the 'pop cs' instruction was the one reason I managed to keep from
getting the Yale virus on my very first PC (HP Vectra CS). Yale went
around in a big way at college, in the PC labs. I couldn't manage to
get it, even when I conscientiously _tried_ to infect my PC.
I wonder if I still have a disassembly for that old virii around
Useless trivia re Yale:
Received on Mon Nov 17 2003 - 15:52:57 GMT