How many of you like HP41C calculators?

From: Mike Ford <>
Date: Mon Nov 17 20:33:51 2003

At 08:40 AM 11/17/03 -0500, Joe wrote:
>At 11:25 PM 11/16/03 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> >On Sunday, November 16, 2003, at 10:25 PM, Joe wrote:
> >> I had the only (Nuclear) Weapon Effects ROM outside of
> >> the military
> >
> >Pretty cool, it's not classified??
> Not that I know of. It's just very tightly controlled. It's frightening
>to punch in some numbers and look at the effects (blast effects, crater
>sizes, dosage, fallout rates, mortality rates, etc) of different type/size

Back in the late 70's I was writing some games on the first Atari 400 for
Programma International, and the guy that was the big hot shot on the PET
wrote the first generation of bomb blast software for the HP45 (I think 45,
maybe it was 65 or something). Strange guy, he worked on I think an Apple
II for a year in south america without a monitor, just using beeps etc to
test his code.

I don't think people outside of the top military realize just how close
nuclear war was during this period.
Received on Mon Nov 17 2003 - 20:33:51 GMT

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