How many of you like HP41C calculators?

From: Jeffrey L Kaneko <>
Date: Mon Nov 17 22:41:12 2003

On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 18:33:51 -0800 Mike Ford <>
> Back in the late 70's I was writing some games on the first Atari
> 400 for Programma International, and the guy that was the big hot shot

Programma, huh? I remember those guys. They created my favourite
language: SPL/M! It ran on 6800's under FLEX. It makes me wish I were
so I could play with my 6802 . . . .

> the PET wrote the first generation of bomb blast software for the HP45
> think 45, maybe it was 65 or something). Strange guy, he worked on I
think an

Had to be the 55 or 65. The 45 wasn't programmable.

> Apple II for a year in south america without a monitor, just using
> etc to test his code.

That has to be one of the craziest things I've ever heard . . . .

> I don't think people outside of the top military realize just how
> close nuclear war was during this period.

Closer than say, during the Cuban Missle Crisis?!?!

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Received on Mon Nov 17 2003 - 22:41:12 GMT

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