i bid on it think that it was not magnetic, but rather might be one of the film
cartidges that they had, maybe an unexposed one.
Tom Uban wrote:
> While I don't usually search eBay for this sort of item, a friend mentioned
> something to me which prompted me to search for something magtape related and
> I ended up bidding on this item and winning it (eBay will be my death):
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2762437052&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOAB:US:6
> Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what vintage it is and what
> equipment it was used in? Pictures or URLs would be a bonus...
> --tnx
> --tom
Received on Mon Nov 17 2003 - 15:22:21 GMT