Racks, rails and panels

From: Tom Jennings <tomj_at_wps.com>
Date: Tue Nov 18 16:11:27 2003

Rack hardware is almost always either #10-32 (#10 NF) or #12-24 (#12
NF). Nearly all of the tapped rail racks are #10.

#10 hardware you can get from a decent hardware store, though they
usually are round head, which suck, and often fall through the oval
holes in panels.

#12 screws are just hard to find, it's an odd size.

Many (not most) of the the tinnerman-type are #12's. A lot of the
non-tapped racks use clip-on #10 nuts that have a little centering
device in the clip.

Real rack screws haev wide, flat heads, bigger htan "pan head". really
nice ones come with a matching nylon washer. Rack screws oughta be
phillips head, not slotted. You'll realize why when you have one hand
holding up a computer, one hand holding the screw, and the other hand
you don't have fumbling for the screw.

Music people use rack hardware. GUITAR CENTER shold have them. Probably
just the #10's though.

It's amazing how much energy and thought trivial s**t consumes.

Received on Tue Nov 18 2003 - 16:11:27 GMT

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