Burgess XX15 Battery Specs?

From: Classic Computers <classiccmp_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Tue Nov 18 21:30:55 2003

I have an old Triplett 631 VTVM/VOM (that I use with classic computer
stuff, of course) that uses a Burgess XX15 battery. The XX15 is 22.5V
and is no longer made.

There is a "fix" for this situation posted on the Web that substitutes
several currently made 22.5V batteries. But, I'd like to see if there
are any other ways of replacing the XX15s.

So, does anyone have an old spec sheet for the Burgess XX15? I couldn't
find anything on the Web.

Received on Tue Nov 18 2003 - 21:30:55 GMT

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