HP 75000 Mainframe w/ Modules For Sale

From: Bill Rowe <browe58_at_comcast.net>
Date: Wed Nov 19 09:47:32 2003


I have an HP 75000 mainframe (photo attached) w/ the following modules
available for sale:

_ e1405a command module
_ e1679a sonet/sdh timing reference (shown in photo but has been sold)
_ e1671a sonet/sdh transport oh generator
_ e1693a atm generator 155/662
_ e1694a atm receiver 155/662
_ e1672a sonet/sdh transport oh receiver
_ e1662a sonet/sdh optical i/f 155/662 mb/s
_ e1663a sonet/sdh electrical interface

If interested, please feel free to make a "fair" offer. Unit is fully
operational and comes w/ 7 day return policy if faulty. thanx.

Received on Wed Nov 19 2003 - 09:47:32 GMT

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