Hi folks,
I'm looking for either an HP-1600A manual, or for some kind soul
to give me a few pointers on how to use the 1600. I got it without
the manual; but I do have all the probes.
My main questions are:
a) what do the "Qualifier" switches do?
b) how do they relate, if at all, to the "Trigger Word / Map
Locator" switches?
c) how do I trigger on various patterns (if I can)?
d) some explanation of the "Trigger Mode", "Sample Mode",
"Table", and "Map" switches.
e) any other general operating tips would be appreciated.
I'm posting to this list because I figure a few people out there use
these things for their antique computer collections; I certainly plan
to use mine to restore my PDP-12 :-)
I intend on using it with a "clothes-pin"-type 14 and 16 pin adaptor
to check on the operating state of various ICs...
Cheers, and thanks in advance,
[When replying by email, you'll need to click on the URL mailed back
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Robert Krten, PARSE Software Devices +1 613 599 8316.
Realtime Systems Architecture, Consulting and Training at www.parse.com
Looking for Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-1 through PDP-15 minicomputers!
Received on Wed Nov 19 2003 - 10:20:08 GMT