Has CDOS been mentioned yet? Multi-user DOS for one of the 808x processors..
In a sort of reversal of the what-OS-for-this-processor, add "BOS" as a
multi-user operating system ("Business Operating System") that ran on lots
of various platforms (standard PC hardware from 8086 up, PDP-11, S100,
Sirius 1, RS6000, Microfive are just the ones I encountered.) I'll try and
dig out a list of platforms if I can find an old enough manual at work..
It is an interpretative OS for running standard business applications
(sales ledger, purchase ledger, etc) on a wide variety of platforms - the
data *and applications* could be copied across platforms with no conversion
or recompilation necessary. It needed no other operating system or
software to be installed on the hardware, so was a true OS, complete with
all the development tools you'd expect. It's still going strong (I work
for a reseller) although current versions nowadays tend to run within an
existing OS (mainly DOS, Windows and
Oh, and if anybody in the UK is interested in an old COMART machine, that's
probably still got this loaded up on it, there's one burried at the back of
the filing cupboard that I could probably get released... We'd have more,
but unfortunately my boss is a bit of a chucker... he took two 11/23 clones
to the tip a couple of years ago while my back was turned.. :-(
Received on Wed Nov 19 2003 - 17:26:33 GMT