On Wed, 2003-11-19 at 15:16, Joe wrote:
> >On Sunday, November 16, 2003, at 10:25 PM, Joe wrote:
> >> I had the only (Nuclear) Weapon Effects ROM outside of
> >> the military
> >
> >Pretty cool, it's not classified??
> Not that I know of. It's just very tightly controlled. It's frightening
> to punch in some numbers and look at the effects (blast effects, crater
> sizes, dosage, fallout rates, mortality rates, etc) of different type/size
> weapons.
Umm, it's just dynamical calcs, same as dynamite; a nice circular slide
rule came with the EFFECTS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS book. All that's unique to
explosive driven metal systems (my favorite WWII euphemism; google it;
first hit :-) is fallout issues (sic), any calcs in that direction are
pure fantasy anyhoo.
Bomb porn, is what this is. My friend Edgar & I found those crater calc
porn magcards for HP calculators in Los Alamos, once. I'm sure he still
has them.
> >
> >> (see <http://www.classiccmp.org/hp/we/> and a pair of the
> >> Military Engineering ROMs. Other than those, the coolest ROM that I
> >> had
> >> was the Astro ROM. It's a special surveying ROM that lets you take
> >> extremely accurate readings and/or over extremely long distances. I
> >> sold it
> >> to a group that is re-surveying the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.
> >> Believe
> >> it or not there are no accurate surveys of the place and they've even
> >> managed to lose a few tombs due to the poor maps of the area.
> >>
> >
> >Has anyone a copy of my :Labrinth: program? I think it needed the PPC
> >rom
> >and the first prompt asked for the name of the "Dungeon?" (it used the
> >name to create some constants.. these were combined with the xyz
> >location
> >of the player to actually display doors/walls/arches All the stairs are
> >at 0,0 IIRC.
> Was it in the PPC ROM manual? If so I have it. I wasn't into games so
> I'm not sure.
> >
> >
> >>> Is anyone here a sometime member of PPC?
> >>
> >> Yeap (#12114 IIRC)
> >
> >I was a member too - but I have long forgotten my number.
> >
> >> and it's short lived successor HPPC (IIRC). I was
> >
> >Wasn't that CHUU? HPPC I think, is alive and well and meeting in the UK.
> I think you're right. As you said, it's been a lot of years!
> >
> >> still active in the HP user's group up till a couple of years ago.
> >
> >
> >> They gave everyone there a free HP-49.
> >
> >Nice..
> >
> >
> It was. It's an incredible machine but the documentation for it
> really bites! The 49 would have been a best seller if they'd had even fair
> documentation. They should have hired someone like Richard Nelson or some
> of the old PPC bunch and wrote something like the PPC ROM manual go with
> the ROM.
> BTW does anyone here know much about the PPC ROM 2? I had one (in
> EPROM) but don't know much about it. Also had some others that I couldn't
> find much about such as an Assembler ROM. It might have been named "David's
> Assembler". Or maybe that was two different ROMs, I just don't remember
> any more.
> Joe
Received on Wed Nov 19 2003 - 17:58:42 GMT