Telling DECTape & LINCTape Drives Apart?

From: O. Sharp <>
Date: Fri Nov 21 01:59:27 2003

Sooooo not too long ago there was a neato discussion of the
differences between DECTape format and LINCtape format. I've got a
question that's a bit different: Physically speaking, how do you
tell the difference between a DECTape drive and a LINCtape drive?
It's been years since I've had a chance to see either kind of drive,
and since I'm doing more digging though surplus places lately I
thought it'd be good to be able to spot the difference in case
I actually get lucky and find one.

O'course, if they're actually _marked_ "DECTape" or "LINCTape",
it'd be relatively easy. :) Is it that straightforward, or
is the difference more subtle (or, indeed, is the difference at
the interface end and not with the drive unit at all)?

(And as long as we're on the subject, does anyone still manufacture
tape and reels for DEC/LINCTape users?)

Received on Fri Nov 21 2003 - 01:59:27 GMT

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