Hey, John,
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On 21-Nov-03 at 19:01 John Lawson wrote:
>Regarding the recent (very much info!) thread about serial to network
>devices, terminal servers, etc... I have a Dumb Analog Engineer Question.
> And my DAEQ is this: I gots a DEC PDP 11/44 sitting in my garage
>(heated) and I would like to have the Terminal Peripheral Devices (TPD) in
>my Office (O). I just want a couple-three VT-type thingies and an LA120,
>or 36 or whatever. So, if I understand Things: I hook N ports from the
>11/44 serial farm via RS232 to the ports on the TS, thence by
>CAT5[some_networking_protocol] to the TS in the O, and from the
>corrresponding N ports ports on the O TS to the various TPDs in the
>aformentioned O. Right?
That's one way to do it. However, a terminal server usually works in the reverse direction -- as in allowing one to telnet, over TCP/IP, to a serial device.
The application you describe, assuming you do not have your own LAN, would be better served by a pair of 8-port or so statMUX boxes. Their purpose in life is to multiplex multiple serial ports over a single, dedicated, 4-wire data circuit. I had a couple doing exactly that here, between the lab and the garage, before I installed the micro-serial thingy from LANTronix and the code-operated switch.
RE-PC has a nice assortment of MultiTech StatMUXes at the moment, and I know they're in the $10-or-less category per unit. Want to send me some $$ and I'll see if I can snare you a pair?
Keep the peace(es).
Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies --
ARS KC7GR (Formerly WD6EOS) since 12-77 -- kyrrin_at_bluefeathertech.com
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" (Red Green, aka Steve Smith)
Received on Fri Nov 21 2003 - 18:33:07 GMT