On Sunday 23 November 2003 17:38, Fred N. van Kempen wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Nov 2003, Patrick Finnegan wrote:
> > I just recieved a few DECmate III "motherboards" which are
> > supposedly functional (the guy is selling more of them on eBay
> > right now, for their Intersil 6120 chips).
> Some people deserve to be shot. Who wants to aim first?
I've got stuff from the guy before, and he's an OK person. I asked him
if he had any complete DECmate IIIs, and he said he had one and wanted
$80ish for it (no keyboard/monitor/cables). I decided I'd just get a
couple of boards. I'm willing to bet that these are just spares he had
and wants to get rid of.
Personally, I think for $23+shipping (I actually managed to pay a bit
less), the boards are an OK buy to get either as a spare module or for
the chip to build something else from (perhaps an SBC6120?) if you can
skillfully desolder 40pin DIPs from multi-layer PCBs. Now, I get to
learn how to do that... on some 3com network cards or something. : )
Rest assured that the DECmate board will hopefully be preserved, with a
socket for its 6120.
Purdue University ITAP/RCS
Information Technology at Purdue
Research Computing and Storage
Received on Sun Nov 23 2003 - 17:15:20 GMT