OT: Re: Flat Earth?!

From: Geoffrey Thomas <geoffreythomas_at_onetel.net.uk>
Date: Tue Nov 25 14:16:40 2003

I was in Montreal end of last month - my brother lives in Burlington - and I
thought it was great , a human sized city where you can see the tops of the
tower blocks and , as the man says , a bit of everything . I had to keep
pinching myself - I thought I was in France. Highly recommended - very
relaxed - but go in the summer/autumn, a lot of rain spoiled 2 days of an
otherwise great trip.
In contrast , I was in Detroit in 1970 and, whilst chewing on a burger
outside some McDonalds ( sorry )
we were accosted by some religious fanatic who told us that the black man
was descended from Cain who slew his brother Abel....etc. It didn't spoil
the trip in the same way as the rain in Montreal ( we still got pissed in
Montreal - at great expense on the Guinness )- in fact we laughed in the
bugger's face - but we did wonder what things were like further south.
Sorry if this is off topic.

----- Original Message -----
From: "der Mouse" <mouse_at_rodents.montreal.qc.ca>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 3:57 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Re: Flat Earth?!

> >> Not surprising. There are some parts of America where people don't
> >> run into anyone but white folk until they reach college.
> Back sometime 1990ish, there was a company in California that tried to
> hire me; they flew me down there in an attempt to sell me on the idea.
> We went to a Chinese restaurant and I didn't see one Oriental person in
> the entire place, including the staff. I can't recall seeing a black
> the entire visit.
> I didn't take the job. I'm used to Montreal, where you can hear
> anything from Polish to Arabic just taking public transit.
> I _think_ the community was Santa Cruz, but I could very well have got
> that incident mixed up with something else that _did_ happen in Santa
> Cruz....
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Received on Tue Nov 25 2003 - 14:16:40 GMT

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