My Displaywriter

From: <(>
Date: Thu Nov 27 21:28:27 2003


     First off, I'd like to say that I am very happy to have found this
group. It has been interesting to ready past posts on topics that I enjoy. I am
most interested with IBM System/3x's and the Displaywriter System. I direct
the Audio / Visual Department of a High School, and the first thing I did
when I got there 3 years ago was to put my old IBM Displaywriter back to work.
It is used daily, and some people think I am nuts for using it to deal with
crucial data; However I sit back and laugh when there PCs are crashing, hanging,
and causing them all kinds of problems!

     Anyway I am in desperate need of 2 things for my Displaywriter. First
I really need ReportPack software. If anyone knows where I could get a copy
that would be great. Secondly, I need the groups advice on my printer. I
currently have the daisywheel printer with no sheet feeders or tractor feed. I
use standard greenbar paper for most things, and it is a real pain to have to
keep hitting the start button after each sheet is done printing, plus I have
to realign the paper correctly. This will especially be a problem if I even
find the ReportPack software. I would like to find the cut-sheet feeder or
the tractor feed attachment. According to the books I have it seems that
these connect to a small connector on the back of the printer. My printer has a
blank plug in that space, yet the books reference the same printer I have.
Was there some kit of parts that one would install in the printer??

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, any assistance would be

Received on Thu Nov 27 2003 - 21:28:27 GMT

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