Formatting and verifying MFM hard disks

From: Fred Cisin <>
Date: Sat Nov 29 14:47:31 2003

> >Well, lets see.... if your on a PC, I think if you type at the DOS prompt
> >c:\> debug c800
> That's assuming that the controller card is set to the standard address
> of C800. C800 is the default for PCs but the cards can be addresses to
> different addresses. Checkit is handy for finding the card address. Also
> the code doesn't usually start right at the biginning of the ROM. It starts
> at an offset of 5 in most controllers so you'd use debug then "g c800:5".
> I've seen a couple of controllers that started at 2 and I think I remember
> one that started at 10.

C800 is NOT the address! It is the SEGMENT component of a two part
address. But when used as STATED: g C800 , it would NOT cause a branch to
C800:0 as intended! Instead, it would go to OFFSET C800 of the current
segment! xxxx:C800

If you want offset 0 of segment C800, then the command must be: g C800:0
NOT g C800 !!!!!!!!!!

g C800:5 would, indeed, be correct for an offset of 5 within segment C800

BUT "g C800" is NOT going to work.
Received on Sat Nov 29 2003 - 14:47:31 GMT

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