Old Dumont scopes

From: John Lawson <jpl15_at_panix.com>
Date: Sat Nov 29 21:35:39 2003

  IIRC, the earliest production model DuMont had the 2" CRT in a can on a
little stand, with a short cable that attached it to the electronics box.
This was definitely in the mid-to-late 30s.

  The oldest scope I own currently is a Knight 7" from the mid 50s - even

 James Millen also made a line of rack-mount scopes in the 40s for
integration into radio gear. Very cool units, about 5 RU, black crackle
finish and big rectangular knobs.

 ObClassiccmp: O'scopes were used in the Whirlwind as memory register and
output displays... in the old pictures one can see several. And the EDSAC
had scopes for the same use - the early Tic Tac Toe game was 'displayed'
on one of the memory scopes. NOT to be confused with the Williams tube of
a decade later...

  Cheers and Best of the Season!

Received on Sat Nov 29 2003 - 21:35:39 GMT

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