On Sun, 30 Nov 2003, Alexander Schreiber wrote:
> Well, according to http://bulk.fefe.de/scalability/ if you want to run
> *BSD on x86, it should be FreeBSD.
Did you see the news item referenced at the top of that web page?
-> [Nov 1 2003] I got an email suggesting that I re-check NetBSD. The
-> results are nothing short of astonishing. In two weeks time the
-> NetBSD team made dramatic improvements.
-> * socket: previously O(n), now O(1).
-> * bind: greatly improved, but still O(n). Much less steep, though.
-> * fork: a modest O(n) for dynamically linked programs, O(1) for
-> statically linked.
-> * mmap: a bad O(n) before, now O(1) with a small O(n) shadow.
-> * touch after mmap: a bad strange graph in 1.6.1, a modest O(n) a
-> week ago, now O(1).
-> * http request latency: previously O(n), now O(1).
-> Congratulations, NetBSD! NetBSD now has better scalability than
-> FreeBSD.
Received on Sun Nov 30 2003 - 08:34:42 GMT