yikes! yea.. that could come back to byte you......
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vintage Computer Festival" <vcf_at_siconic.com>
To: "Classic Computers Mailing List" <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 6:13 PM
Subject: Why one should never give an interview
> Ok, more fuel to add to the discussion about reporters being complete
> idiots.
> I did an interview recently for a local paper. The writer seemed very
> bright and asked good questions. The article came out today. I was
> impressed with the technical accuracy. However, there was one MAJOR
> problem: the article said that I sold recycled computers to the Alameda
> County Computer Resource Center. Now, this may at first seem like a minor
> error, but it's huge.
> First of all, under agreement with the ACCRC, I act as a drop-off center
> for computer and electronic recycling. All items dropped off at my
> facility are in fact donations to the ACCRC, and donation receipts are
> given for income tax deductions. Second, the computers and electronics
> collected are then delivered to the ACCRC where they then refurbish and
> distribute the computers they receive as an officially registered
> 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. To say that I sell computers to
> the ACCRC makes it seem like I am engaged in fraud. So now people who
> read this article and have or were considering donating items through my
> service to the ACCRC will think I am in fact fraudulently collecting
> computers to resell to a non-profit. Nice.
> In short, I have been libeled is a seriously egregious fashion. So much
> for the free publicity I was hoping for. I'll have to wait until tomorrow
> (Monday) to see what the paper intends to do to rectify the situation.
> If they don't play by my rules then I'm getting an attorney.
> This incident may well be the final straw. From now on I'm now
> considering telling any reporter that comes within 10 feet of me to fuck
> off.
> --
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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Received on Sun Nov 30 2003 - 21:06:18 GMT