HP-85 consumerables

From: John <john_a_s2003_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Sun Oct 5 17:27:04 2003


I read the earlier messages about DC100A v DC1000 tapes. I was given a
DC1000 tape to try and sadly it didn't work in my HP-85.

I found the following page which implies the DC1000 requires a stronger
magnetic field than DC100A. So it's a bit like typing to use HD floppies in
a DD drive.


(BTW these tapes are 0.15" not one eight of an inch).

The following firm advertise DC100A, but I haven't bought any from them so
don't know if they have any stock:


Received on Sun Oct 05 2003 - 17:27:04 BST

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