VAX 8600 on ebay

From: Antonio Carlini <>
Date: Sun Oct 12 16:49:23 2003

It does say "too large for pallet" so I guess you have been warned. This
really a souped-up ECL VAX-11/780, and I know that several of you are
smitten by that vintage of machine. (sadly for me it's on the wrong side
of the pond and has appeared just[1] before I become rich).

Plenty of docs can be found on the net already, but no printsets (that
I know of). Looks like this one might come with printsets (since it
has maintenance docs) so would whoever buys it please get them scanned


[1] "just" here being measured on a geological time scale :-)
Antonio Carlini   
Received on Sun Oct 12 2003 - 16:49:23 BST

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