WTB: Pro-Log programmer parts

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_cfl.rr.com>
Date: Mon Oct 13 06:53:02 2003

At 07:04 PM 10/12/03 -0700, David Comley wrote:
>I also own an M980 - minus documentation of course.
>Any chance Joe could be persuaded to put up a pdf of
>the manual somewhere ? I'd like to understand how that
>serial interface works.

   I have the User's manual for the M980, the User/Service manual for the
M900 and some other intersting manuals and catalogs. I don't have a way to
scan them and convert them to PDF but I'll loan them to anyone that wants
to do that. I've already offered them to Al but haven't heard back from
him about it. He may have enough to do already.

   Just a word of </B>warning<B> about the serial port. DON'T try to use
the serial port on the box for RS-232. It's made for TTY current loop only.
 Strange as it sounds the parallel port is used for Rs-232 (as well as
parallel interface and paper tape reader). You need the M304 adapter box
<http://www.classiccmp.org/hp/pro-log/m304.jpg> to connect RS-232 to the
parallel port on the M980. There's a different adapter box for the M900. I
don't have that adapter but I do have the schematic for it and it's nothing
but a few level converter circuits.

Received on Mon Oct 13 2003 - 06:53:02 BST

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