Cleaning my closet

From: Cini, Richard <>
Date: Wed Oct 15 10:21:32 2003

Hello, all:

        I'm doing some spring cleaning (six months late) and I'm offering
this stuff up to the list first. Items are as-is and last status, if
remembered, is listed. I know that a few are pretty common, but I feel bad
about just pitching them into the dumpster without at least offering them up
first. I may ultimately resort to selling some on eBay if no one wants them.

        Some items are heavy and would need a local pickup. My location is
Nassau County, New York (Long Island).

        Here's the list:

        * MacPortable (non-backlit). Working when last used, with spare
batteries, desktop charger and carrying case. Screen has a line of bad
pixels near the bottom.

        * PC/Convertible. Working although battery is shot. I believe that I
have boot disks for this, too.

        * PC Portable. Working; very clean. Very heavy (really a PC with a
handle). Comes with some software but I haven't taken a complete inventory.
Might be shippable by UPS.

        * DEC MicroVAX 1 in tower case with spare parts (including RD52
drives and spare boards). Working last time I used it 3 years ago. Has
Ultrix v.4 on it (no distribution disks unfortunately). Very heavy. Pickup

        * 3 Pentium Pro 200 MHZ/256k CPUs. Unmatched steppings (SL22V,
SL22T, SL22M). When using in an SMP configuration, steppings should be the
same. I ran into this when setting-up the dual-CPU ProLiant server at home.

        * Apple Ethernet CS card (part number M3065Z/A) for late-model Macs.

        * Promise Technologies EIDE4030T caching IDE card for VL bus. As I
recall, this was the "bee's knees" of IDE cards in the 486 era.

        * Spare Kilobaud magazines: 12/78, 1/79

        * Spare BYTE magazines: 12/77, 1/78, 1/81, 6/81, 7/81, 11/81, 12/81,
           10/83, 9/85, 10/85 (2), 2/86, 6/86, 10/86, 11/86, 9/87, 10/87

        Payment? Trade or cost of shipping. Here's what I'm looking for:

        * S-100 video board with docs/SW.
        * Ciarcia SB180 single-board computer.
        * Altair documents/manuals for my Altair32 emulation project
        * Broken arcade game in upright cabinet with monitor (horizontal
           for MAME project). Will have to work something out on the
shipping due to its
           size and weight. This one probably best if local.
        * Plastic case for the KIM-1
        * 6502 pod for Fluke 9010A troubleshooter
        * 6502-related magazines
        * Other??

        Please contact me off-list at
(remove xyzzy, underscores and nospam.) if anyone's interested.


Rich Cini
Received on Wed Oct 15 2003 - 10:21:32 BST

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