Sad Day need help on replacing ASR35 and IBM 129 Verifier

From: Lancashire, Pete <>
Date: Sun Oct 19 11:00:18 2003

I lost (in addition to lots of old computer items) two
things I'm trying to get information for my insurance
company on.

The first is a ASR35 that was 'loaded', over the years
I had converted a TWX ASR35 in to on that had every
option you could think of.

I just did a search of Google, and could find almost no
references to it, sad in its own right.

I also lost a ASR 38, but that's for another time.

The other item destroyed, was a IBM 129 Punch card verifier.
A 129 is a 29, with the ability to verify previously
punched cards. It also could be used as a card reader. Mine
had that option.

Both were very clean, low usage. They both were 'backup'
machines that in the case of the 129, had less then 100 hours
on its run time meter.

Both had full sets of manuals, spare parts etc. The 35 included
a never used type unit in the box.

So if anyone could help with where I can start to look for
replacements, value etc. I would be most thankful.

Thanks in advance for any leads

Received on Sun Oct 19 2003 - 11:00:18 BST

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