Computer Recycler in CT...

From: David Woyciesjes <>
Date: Thu Oct 23 10:02:19 2003

        In looking for a place to dispose of my unwanted computers, I ran
across this company...

Computer Recycling & Refining
27 Ciro Road
North Branford, Connecticut 06471
Phone: (203) 488-0535
Contact: A.J. LaCroix

        When I was talking to him, he mentioned he does get some old computers.
I told him about the Rhode Island computer museum, the collectors on
this list, and the website to join the list. He talked about keeping
some old computers in the back. Hopefully he will join, and maybe offer
some goodies for sale? Or maybe donate to the museum?

        Usual cautions apply, I don't really know them, found thier number and
talked to him just today...

---   Dave Woyciesjes
---   ICQ# 905818
Received on Thu Oct 23 2003 - 10:02:19 BST

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