73 magazine quits-- vintage radios

From: Dwight K. Elvey <dwight.elvey_at_amd.com>
Date: Thu Oct 23 19:17:18 2003

Hi Ben
 Check the links at:


>From: "ben franchuk" <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
>Tony Duell wrote:
>>>More like a tube short of a Zenith Trans-Oceanic.
>> A 1L6 short of a Trans-Oceanic?
>> -tony
>Nope, the 1L6 works fine, want to replace the caps
>and rebuild the power supply ( The set is older than
>I am ) and get real DOC's. The problem seems to be
>with the auto-magic gain control and or the selenium
>rectifier as it plays for about 10 seconds and then
>it goes quiet. Ben.
Received on Thu Oct 23 2003 - 19:17:18 BST

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