experiences with portable LCD TVs for classic micros?

From: Dave Brown <tractorb_at_ihug.co.nz>
Date: Fri Oct 24 16:41:39 2003

The LCD screen from an old car TV/nav system will probably be bigger,
cheaper and have a better picture-maybe you could use the complete TV setup,
as the Timex only has a VHF output?
Probably not relevant in this case but more recent systems have external AV
inputs as well as the RF/tuner input. The screens in the later ones have an
external DC supply jack too so can be easily separated from the rest of the
nav system.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Dzubin" <dzubint_at_vcn.bc.ca>
To: <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 12:08 AM
Subject: experiences with portable LCD TVs for classic micros?

> I have four Timex Sinclair micros sitting in my basement and I've been
> thinking about turning one (or more) into the world's slowest
> "franken-laptop" using one of those portable LCD TVs that seem to be
> on sale at every second-hand store & pawn shop for $10-$20.
> Has anyone had any experiences in the quality of the TV tuner in
> these portables? Will I have to keep re-tuning it every 10 minutes
> or should I look for one with some method of locking into a channel?
> (or are they too fussy to bother with?)
> How about screen resolution? Will I be able to make out the 32 characters
> per line on such a tiny screen?
> Thomas
Received on Fri Oct 24 2003 - 16:41:39 BST

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