73 magazine quits

From: jim <jwstephens_at_msm.umr.edu>
Date: Fri Oct 24 20:19:41 2003

Corda Albert J DLVA wrote:

> I was there with my brother... we both kinda looked at
> each other and the people around us when he starting in
> on the moon landing stuff. The audience was making a
> huge effort _not_ to appear shocked... unfortunately
> it wasn't working.

I was at a conference of the Association of Naval Aviation,
PBM group in Tucson some years ago. They have a PBM-5,
which is the only airframe of any PBM left.

Anyway, we were treated to a wonderful dinner speach by
two gentlemen who specialize in getting old beasts like this
PBM Airframe flyable, and then getting FCC ferry clearance
to move them (by air).

Anyway they told this whole tale, which I'll leave out here,
and then paused for some questions.

After much applause, and so forth, the MC of the night
said that one of the guys, (the older of the two) wanted to
talk about another topic since he had talked about the ferry

Well, he launched into a schpeil about how he had had a lot
of UFO encounters during his career and wanted to ask this
distinguished group (probably all the PBM WW-2 pilots and
aircrews left living at the time) if they had been chased or seen

this banqet was held in one of these large multistory hotels in
Tucson, I think maybe a Hyatt. so we have about 2000 people
sitting in a room with the ceiling about 80' or so above us.

After about two sentences the room went from an after dinner
buzz to where all you heard was the echo of the a/c. maybe
10 or 15 seconds later you heard this collective intake of
people saying something like "sh..." or something.

After about 5 minutes people began to ease up and sneak
out, as the talk continued.

I felt really sorry for him on the one hand, as the crowd shrank,
but on the other hand...

I suspect if he had gone into the Apollo debunk crap today, i'm
just enough of a rasty old ass to just stand up and tell him he is
full of shit, regardless of the crowd.

Received on Fri Oct 24 2003 - 20:19:41 BST

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