OT: Retro-Tech from TV: Thunderbirds

From: Nico de Jong <nico_at_farumdata.dk>
Date: Fri Oct 24 23:55:36 2003

> > Todays parallel could be Teletubbies. I know it is meant for
> > children, but I've never seen anything more braindead.
> Can we the conclude that Denmark must be one of those utopian
> places that is free from Party Political Broadcasts and
> daytime television?
Daytime television: yes, we can "enjoy" that.

Party political: depends on how you define that. All parties in parliament do annual membergatherings, and parts of that are sent on TV, but only a fixed number of minutes pr party. If you think of "party coloured transmissions", where things are presented as if viewed through coloured spectacles: no. We have TV journalists who are known to be member of a party (we have at present about 10 parties in parliament), but they behave themselves.

Received on Fri Oct 24 2003 - 23:55:36 BST

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