Digidata Mag Tape Unit

From: Vines Julian <Vines.Julian_at_northropgrumman.ca>
Date: Wed Oct 22 09:50:52 2003

I am following up on a query on the following link and am hoping that
you may be able to help...:


Within our organization , we use a number of 9-track Digidata Mag Tape
Units, Model P/N 1149-8-2-120-FN-UL.

We have some vendor service manuals for these, however what we have, do
not have any information regarding how to perform or check head

We are looking either for a manual addressing this head alignment or a
"service agent" that has the capability to repair / align these units..
We have tried Digidata themselves and they have no information. I am
assuming someone somewhere has the capability / and or knowledge to
repair them and am looking for a contact

Any suggestions ??
Thanks for your help.

Julian Vines
Engineering Dept.
Navigation Systems Division
Northrop Grumman Canada Corporation
25, Cityview Drive, Toronto, Ontario M9W 5A7
Ph: 416 249 1231 Ext 2603
Fax: 416 246 2018
Visit us at www.ngnavsys-canada.ca
Received on Wed Oct 22 2003 - 09:50:52 BST

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