How do _you_ move equipment? What "tools" do you use?

From: Lancashire, Pete <>
Date: Mon Oct 27 19:04:10 2003

correct thats why the sp? :)

going to be using these guys again .. the organ has to be moved
from the basement to the ground floor, and I have to move a 6'
enclosed rack into the basement.

I just wish they didn't make it look so easy !


-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Fernandez []
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 7:14 AM
To:; On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: How do _you_ move equipment? What "tools" do you use?

Do you mean they were Samoan, Samoa? Somalian are from Somalia, in

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

Lancashire, Pete wrote:
> A fun note was the three guys that showed up where Somlians (sp?),
> originally
Received on Mon Oct 27 2003 - 19:04:10 GMT

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