Dealing with the Press

From: R. D. Davis <>
Date: Tue Oct 28 09:38:43 2003

Quothe Chad Fernandez, from writings of Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 05:36:40AM -0500:
> In my local paper they get stuff wrong all the time. Many times they
> don't spell correctly, either.

Just the other day, the Baltimore Sun had two conflicting articles in
it. One article, with drawings of Dilbert illustrating it, told of
how dissatisfied American workers are with the workplace. In another
article, on the front of the help-wanted section (the Career Builder
section, which contains a page full of hogwash fed to the Sun by the
media conglomerate that bought the Baltimore Sun, and is printed in
other newspapers owned by the same corporate entity) is an article
about workplace dissatisfaction, but, it shows that only 15% of
workers are dissatisfied overall... but the numbers don't make any
sense; here's what a chart on that page showed:

  Job dissatisfaction:

  overall: 15% (48.9% satisfied, 35.4% neutral (afraid to say?))
  job security: 25%
  wages: 33.9%
  promotion policy: 46.4%
  vacation policy: 22.7%
  sick leave: 29.2%
  health plan: 35%

Now then, how in the heck to they get 15% as an average, or mean, or
whatever else they're using to obtain that figure, from the other

> I don't think anyone here thinks 100% of the press are idiots. It's
> just that the majority were English/Journalism majors, so they have a
> background very far removed from the background of most list members.

Wouldn't it make much more sense for newspapers to just hire 7th
graders to work part-time and pay them minimum wage, since the news is
typically written on a 7th grade, or lower, reading level? Seriously,
it makes no sense to hire English/Journalism majors to write articles
on a 7th grade, or lower, reading level. If those English/Journalism
majors can't make any use of what they supposedly learned in college,
and, in the apparent majority of cases, they lack the skills to
comprehend much of what they write about, be it politics, computers,
employment, the usual propaganda or whatever else they're writing
about, why employ them?

Perhaps I've just answered my own question: the owners of the media
apparently don't want to hire many people who have the ability to ask
the right questions and think rationally, who might just upset the
apple cart, so to speak, thus annoying too many politicians,
shareholders, special interests, the political correctness police and
various business entities such as land "development" scum. Can't have
that, now, can we? The propaganda machines, whether working for the
so-called left, right or center, mustn't be interfered with, right?

Just my two-cents worth...

Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reserved            an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such         beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Received on Tue Oct 28 2003 - 09:38:43 GMT

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