hmm... new batch of search engine mailers :) AND Re: RFQ Fluke pods

From: Jay West <>
Date: Wed Oct 29 10:17:41 2003

John wrote....
> Yes, you give a great deal - that mainly goes unapprecieated by some of
> us (a lot of us) ((most of us))... everybody in the office wants the
> thermostat set for thier comfort zone, and wants their music on the MOH on
> the phone system... so everybody hates the Facilities person. ;{}

Ya know, it's normally not a big deal at all. Just right now I have several
of the other areas of my life conspiring to get in my face and usurp my
hobby demmit!

> I am able to do this on an almost daily basis, save when infrequently
> travelling - then there might be a day's delay until I can get to a Net
> connection.
> I volunteer to 'screen' no-subbed posts. What's ironic is that I've
> volunteered to do just this, every time this cranky old subject comes up.

You're hired. I'll contact you offlist.


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Received on Wed Oct 29 2003 - 10:17:41 GMT

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