OT: Autobahns & Re: Another EBAY item, I wish I could get

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_cfl.rr.com>
Date: Fri Oct 31 05:55:37 2003

At 05:10 AM 10/31/03 +0100, you wrote:
>On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Roger Merchberger wrote:
>> Then things sure have changed from when I was there... I drove from Oerbke
>> (I think that's the spelling... it's been a while since '91... 12-year
>> brainfog) - 50km north of Hannover, anyway - I was driving an American
>> Military vehicle (CUCV -> Chevy Blazer for those who've seen one) 130kph up
>> to Bremerhaven (with oversized balloon tires only designed to withstand
>> 72kph - it was *bouncy*!!) and rarely did those little, dinky,
>> currently-domestic Porches & Mercedes drop below 170kph, even in the
>> construction zones! Some of them zipped past me near cm away - that was a
>> rather hectic ride!
>Many freeways (autobahns) in Germany (and Holland *grin*) can easily
>be done at 180-220km/h. But during daytime, there's always the chance
>of traffic, and then you'd better slow down.
>> And you had *no* witty comeback about the beer... ;-) ;-)
>Well.. U.S. beer sucks. nuf said.

  Is it just my imagination or does the US make the WORST beer in the
world? Even the Canadians make better beer.


Received on Fri Oct 31 2003 - 05:55:37 GMT

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