Decidedly OT: was Re: OT: Autobahns & Re: Another EBAY item, I wish I could get & Measurements

From: Fred N. van Kempen <>
Date: Fri Oct 31 11:22:00 2003

On Fri, 31 Oct 2003, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:

> The roads are perfectly fine, especially the I-5: perfectly straight and
> flat for literally miles makes 100+MPH driving perfectly safe. It's
> the other idiot drivers on the road that create dangerous situations.
Yes, I5 technically can handle the speed, but the people there
cant :)

> Hmm, that's interesting to know. Still, with my record I don't take those
> kinds of chances :) I once got pulled over on I5 around Bakersfield for
> doing 65 (then the maximum) in fog and without having my headlights on.
> Obviously this cop was bored. He "did me a favor" by giving me a warning
> only. Whatever...
Ah. Yeah, they sometimes just sit there and wait, watching..

> I was "racing" a Porsche with my Honda Civic several years ago. We were
> over 100MPH. The Porsche dropped off and flashed his lights. I, thinking
> he was just sending me a friendly farewell, continued and sped off
> happily. Not long after, a CHP was closing in on me fast (he must've been
> doing 110). The ticket resulted in the mandatory court appearance.
Same here. Which resulted in an FTA, since I wasnt there, and when
I found out, they had to reopen the case.

> offered to reduce my ticket to the maximum fine under the Basic Speed Law
> (which is $271 and only 1 point on my record). I took it :)
> You CAN get arrested on the spot for doing 100+ on CA highways. But
> unless you're a complete dick to the officer (or you have outstanding
> warrants), this will never happen.
Or if you're an obvious danger to others, like the assholes zigzagging
the lanes at 80+, or, with some officers, esp. chp, just for doing 130
and obviously having no trouble with that. :) It seems to largely
depend on the officer pulling you over, and, later, a court judge
and his idea on how "dangerous" speeding is.

They fried me bigtime twice.. I now make it a point not to speed when
I'm home in Kaua'i.

Received on Fri Oct 31 2003 - 11:22:00 GMT

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